Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Need To Try

Since I am usually on FB on the iPhone, I somehow missed this post. It really took guts to post this to my page. So I'm re-posting because the words are indeed profound... and scary as hell, to me. 
Things are really starting to change in my head... and it couldn't have started changing any sooner. I need to end my sadness, regain my determination and try to heal more every day for those that need me. Sounds easy... but I think it will be the toughest thing I will have to do up unto this point.
My sadness began almost 7 years ago and I hold it tightly cause it's what I feel I still have left of my father, my brother and my grandmother. And sadness seems bigger than finding happiness. I actually feel like it would be disrespectful to let go of those I lost and move forward. But none of these people would have advised me to do so, and in realizing this by reading this post, I can feel that the time is coming to end this sadness. I have a lot to forgive and put back together. And it's Time. I need to try.
Here goes something! 

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