Tuesday, February 2, 2010


A quick review of this blog shows me that not only did my documentation slow way down... I only wrote in it 1 time in 2009. Then everything with Teresa and the need for a transplant started and it's been rough riding ever since. It's now 2/2/10... first entry since 7/16/09... I have been writing in my personal journal... versus this public one as the year has turned into a year of personal internal problems better left undiscussed. If you were to read my personal journal, you would see that I have reverted to documenting the uncanny things that are happening in my life in which I continue to make a decision that is the same decision as the last time, which fails every time and you find yourself back at where you started.
So then 2010 I begin making different decisions. Not necessarily the correct ones... just different ones. So I chose different being dating 2 instead of 1 person which led to a disastrous January (every day) followed by the 1 supposedly moving in with me after my roomate moved out and I'm kinda lost in the middle.
Lost in the middle of nowhere!